Over Two Centuries Old…

The “open castration technique” created in 1802- is the same procedure used to alter our family pets today!  As a result, it has become our ‘culture’ to accept the permanent removal of the pets body part as being the norm- an odd form of ‘cosmetic surgery’.  Neutering your pet is necessary- but Neuticles provides an important option to the pet owner- whole verses unwhole- natural appearance verses unnatural appearance.  Your pet can retain his natural look when opting for Neuticles

Most Pet Owners Hesitate To Neuter Their Pet…

Over 80% of pet owners- for various reasons- hesitate or even refuse to neuter their pet. We are acutely aware that altering your pet is stressful- that’s why Neuticles were created! In fact, we’ve been told by pets owners that we make neutering their pet fun! Neutering is a ‘necessary evil’ but with Neuticles– Its Like Nothing Ever Changed! 

U.S. Patents Granted…

Granted U.S. patent and trademark rights – Neuticles have made veterinary history by providing pet owners an option when neutering their beloved pet.  Neutering is stressful enough for you and your pet and with Neuticles its like nothing ever changed. Who can argue with that?

Over 25,000 Participating Facilities Worldwide…

Neuticles has a database of over 25,000 progressive hospitals and clinics Worldwide. So, if your current vet is non-progressive with providing your pet his natural look – call or email us and we’ll provide you a list of participating facilities right in your own neighborhood 

Qualities and Features…

Not only replicate the pet’s testicles in size, shape weight and feel –but the new UltraPLUS featuring ScarRetard has qualities and features not available on human implants. Yes, Neuticles are that advanced! 

Millions of Unwanted Pets Destroyed…

Patented Neuticles is providing a solid solution to the pet overpopulation crisis by providing a simple, safe and inexpensive option when neutering by encouraging those to neuter that simply would not before. 

Controls Pet Overpopulation…

Neuticles are providing a 28 year proven solution to the pet overpopulation crisis by encouraging mega-thousands of caring pet owners to neuter that simply would not before. 

Not Just For Dogs and Cats Anymore…

Whilst canines and felines have been most popular, other pets have been Neuticled including prairie dogs, water buffalo, horses. bulls. monkey’s, rats and even an elephant!

As Natural As Nature Intended…

The texture and firmness of NeuticlesNatural were crafted based on the firmness of actual animal testicles.

Complication Free and Perfectly Safe…

Over 500,000 pets have been neutered with Neuticles in
all 50 states and 49 countries Worldwide by over 25,000 veterinary clinics and hospitals without a single reported complication when implanted as directed.

IG Nobel Peace Prize Awarded…

Neuticles inventor Gregg A. Miller was awarded the IG Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine which recognized his achievement in providing caring pet owners Worldwide an option when neutering pets. 

An Inexpensive Option…

Neuticles cost from $159 a pair and may be obtained through your veterinarian or laboratory-direct to the pet owner. Order online and we can ship to the veterinarian or to pet owners anywhere in the World! For personalized assistance please call us at 816-690-8337 or contact us

Reduces Pet and Owner Trauma…

Caring upscale pet owners are less ‘neuter-hesitant’ when neutering with Neuticles and their pet is unaware that he has, in fact, been altered. With Neuticles– its like nothing ever changed.

Celebrating a Quarter Century !

Since 1995 Neuticles have helped neuter hesitant pet owners overcome the trauma of altering their beloved pet- and has helped reduce pet over population Worldwide!