“I want to thank you for your incredible product. I wanted to have my 14 m/o Lab, Jacob, neutered to help reduce the unwanted pet problem that exist in the world. As I’m sure you have heard many times, I personally wrestled with the idea of having him look altered. With a couple clicks of the mouse, I found your website. After reviewing information from your very helpful site, I had made up my mind. This WAS the deciding factor that eased my mind. I reviewed the product information with my vet and decided to use the Neuticles Natural. The procedure was easy and Jacob looks Natural. I gladly advertise that he is neutered, but looks intact.” 

Steve Brazeau – Brooksville, Fl.

“My terrier, Ruckus, is soon to have his 9th birthday, and his Neuticles will have their anniversary shortly thereafter. We’ve never regretted the small additional expense of Neuticles when his original equipment was removed.

Los Angeles has just enacted a mandatory spay/neuter law. More people should know about this wonderful option. 

Thanks… nine years later.” 

Jack Anderson – Los Angeles, CA 


“I’ve put off neutering “Crooked Joe” for months and when I found out about Neuticles and spoke to them it made me feel better about neutering. Joe not only looks the same now – but doesn’t know he’s missing anything.” 

Jeff Lane – Oak Park, Il 


“He’s a guy and I wanted him to remain looking like one.” 

Lane Hinderman – Metairie, Louisiana 

“Frodo never knew he lost anything and is just a happier little dog since he’s been neutered with Neuticles.” 

Janell Suasser – San Lorenzo, CA 


“The old way of neutering is 200 years old- Neuticles is about 199 years overdue!” 

Eric Leven – Tampa Bay, FL 


“A dog is like a kid – consideration for his feelings.” 

Greg Samual – Fresno, CA 


“Just call me a caring pet owner.” 

Trish Fischer – Anchorage, Alaska 


Neuticles were the absolute least I could do.” 

Glenda Nelson – Spring, TX 


“Baby Snow has all the benefits of being neutered- Neuticles are just a whole lot nicer.” 

Stephen Samual – Redcliff, KY 

What Veterinarians are Saying About Neuticles

“If it convinces people to neuter their pet then I’m all for it.”
Dr. John Martin
Metairie Small Animal Hospital
Metairie, LA (Times-Picayune) 

“It’s a very simple procedure and is as realistic as the manufacturer boasts.”
Dr. Cynthia Edleman
Grove Way Animal Hospital
Castro Valley, CA (CBS News) 

“I think more chaps would agree to neuter their pet if they knew about Neuticles.”
Dr. Simon Meyer 
Elizebeth Street Veterinary Clinic
London, England (London Daily Telegraph) 

“Those that have hesitated to neuter for all the obvious reasons may now rest easier now that there are Neuticles.”
Dr. L. Seward
Peterman Road Animal Hospital
Pottstown, PA (PSA Radio) 


“We’ve been waiting for a product like this for years.”
Dr. M. Murray
Western Suburbs Veterinary Clinic
Queensland, Australia (PBS Radio) 

“If a simple, harmless procedure brings more people in to have their pets neutered- in a country where over 17 million pets are put to sleep each year- that’s fine with me.”
Dr. Alicia Boyce
Radcliff Veterinary Hospital
Radcliff, KY (Kentucky Leader-Statesman) 

Neuticles are going to make a difference to some clients. Give your clients the choice and let them decide.”
Dr Everett Mobley
Kennett Veterinary Clinic
Kennett, MO (PSA Radio) 

Neuticles are completely safe.”
Dr. Andrea Y. Tu
Park East Medical Hospital
Manhattan, NY (New York Post) 

What the Media are Saying About Neuticles®

“Medical Miracle? Procedure protects pets masculinity”
News Enterprise

Neuticles are just plain neat!”
Rush Limbaugh

“Now only Fido’s veterinarian will know for sure.”
The Kansas City Star

Neuticles are a fix for the fix.”
United Features Syndicate

“Neutered dogs have new reason to bark.”
The Idaho Stateman

“A re-invention of the mousetrap.”
Paul Harvey

“Testicular implants ease trauma of neutering.”
The Arizona Republic

Worldwide Press Continues…

CBS News, Men’s Health, Parade Magazine, Maxim Magazine, Sony Worldwide Radio, The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, America’s Funniest Home Video’s,The Disney Channel, Esquire, To Tell The Truth, The Washington Post, NBC News, ABC News, BBC Radio, Reuters News, The Associated Press, Wireless Flash News Service, CNN, Time-Life Publications, Playboy, Time Warner, Knight Ridder News, Newsweek, NY TIMES, PBS, FOX Network and hundreds of other news agencies and sources Worldwide.